Toroidal  Time Traveller 4D Hypercube
Toroidal Hypercube 35mm 1mm Time Traveller-Memes-14K Yellow Gold-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed geometric models
Toroidal  Time Traveller 4D Hypercube
Toroidal  Time Traveller 4D Hypercube
Toroidal  Time Traveller 4D Hypercube
Toroidal  Time Traveller 4D Hypercube
Toroidal  Time Traveller 4D Hypercube
Toroidal  Time Traveller 4D Hypercube
Toroidal  Time Traveller 4D Hypercube

    Toroidal Time Traveller 4D Hypercube

    Material: Gold Vermeil 18mm pendant

    All these items unless noted otherwise are available in stock. This means you wont have to wait weeks for manufacture! Previously we relied on the worlds biggest 3D printing company Shapeways to print our models and ship them to you, but they unexpectedly went out of business. Now have now transitioned to keeping a small range of our most popular and unique items in stock so that we can supply them to you much faster :-)

    VARIANTS: The Toroidal Time Traveller Hypercube is offered in a variety of sizes and materials, with and without the hanging ring to make it into a pendant. Without the ring the geometry is perfect, and it can still easily be worn either by threading a chain through a vertex of the geometry or by using a jump ring.

    You may also like to check out our 5 dimensional and 6 dimensional hypercubes, and our other higher dimensional forms. 

    The Toroidal Time Traveller Hypercube

    IMPORTANT: the Higher dimensional logic of these geometries provides a physical foucus for higher dimensional energies. Handle with care. Geometries are tools. Tools do nothing by themselves, other than providing new possibilities of what YOU can do with them. You are responsible for any of the ways you use them to affect your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual bodies! 

    The Beauty of Higher Dimensional Logic

    Wearing this form attracts a lot of interest from curious and intelligent people around you. It is immediately obvious that its logic is not three dimensional. The way the 8 squares wrap around the form creating 8 cubes gives a strong impression of being in motion. The 8 pointed star gives the impression of a compass for navigating space and time. It provides a physical link to higher dimensional energies and intelligence.

    A Suggested Meditation

    There are an infinite variety of ways you might use this form. This is merely a suggestion for your inspiration.

    Hold the Time Traveller in your left hand. The first time you do this practice, connect with the whole of your past. When you are ready transfer it to  your right hand and connect with the whole of your future, and in particular connect to your future self performing the same meditation. Then bring the geometry to the center to hold in both hands and become fully present in the Now. 
    When you practice this again, connect to your past and future selves performing the practice. In this way you are forming a thread of consciousness stitching together your past and future and bringing you ever more into the eternal Now.

    What is a Hypercube?

    The Hypercube, also known as the Tesseract, Four Dimensional Cube, or Measure Polytope, is the easiest of the higher dimensional forms to begin to understand. This is because of our familiarity with right angles. Just as a one unit square can be extended one unit into a dimension perpendicular to its plain to become a cube, so too if a cube could be extended one unit into a dimension at right angles to the three we are familiar with, it would be a Tesseract. For more information about higher dimensional geometry we invite you to check out our page on Sacred Geometry Web here and the many replated Wikipedia pages such as this one on 'Polytopes'

    Although this is an unintuitive concept that is (almost) impossible for us to visualize, it is an important tool for understanding Reality. Understanding higher dimensions is a key to modern science, an inspiration for modern art, and a light on the spiritual path. Not co-incidentally... higher dimensions are a core concept of machine learning and 'artificial intelligence'. I believe that the ability to perceive higher dimensional patterns everywhere is the secret of super-intelligence. You can learn much more about this on my latest website

    What is this 'Toroidal' projection of the Hypercube?

    Just as it is not possible to draw a cube without distorting at least some of the squares, so it is not possible to make a three dimensional projection of the four dimensional cube without distorting any of the cubes. This 'toroidal' form is an unusual projection of the Hypercube that maintains the uniformity of all 8 of its cubes by twisting them all in the same way. It is my own invention from about 40 years ago when I first got into drawing 3D stereographic models. It is the equivalent of drawing a cube as a hexagon with 6 lines that nearly meet at two points near centre.

    I call it the Toroidal Hypercube as it distinctly gives the impression of a toroidal (doughnut/smokering) shape. It is also called the 'Time Traveller 'as it represents the measurement unit of SpaceTime, in the same way as a cube is the unit of measure for space, and it looks rather like a compass for navigating spacetime.

    You can easily find the 8 distorted cubes (in 2 sets of 4 cubes) as each side of the octagonal shape is an edge of a (distorted) square that connects to 2 other squares to form 2 of the cubes.

    Note that all 32 lines are the same length, 4 lines meet at every vertex. The angles at each vertex are nearly identical although some of the angles from the central 8 points are the inverse of the angles on the outer 8 points. In the true four dimensional cube before it is projected down into three dimensional space, all the angles are right angles just as they are in a square or cube!

    You can learn more about hypercubes and the other ways of projecting them down into three dimensional space on this Wikipedia page.

    Get up close and familiar with this geometry

    Use this 3D viewer to rotate the hypercube and understand more fully how the 8 cubes wrap around the form. Use the full screen feature for best effect.

    Click PLAY below, and then go full screen using the bottom right icon.

    Use the left and right mouse button to move the geometry.
    If you have a track pad then you can zoom by using two fingers. 


    Merkabah - Ascension Vehicle - Chariot of Light

    Many people ask me whether it is a 'Merkabah' - which is interesting as it does have a strong relationship to the Star Tetrahedron that Drunvalo and others have used as the geometry of the Merkabah or Light Body, in the sense that they are both cubic and polarized - and yet the Toroidal Hypercube it is clearly a higher octave as its logic is 4 dimensional not 3 dimensional.
    I believe the Time Traveller is a perfect symbol for the New Consciousness that is awakening on this planet in response to the urgent need to accelerate human mental, emotional, and spiritual evolution in order to survive the multiple looming global catastrophes.

    Related forms available in our shop~

    "4d'  related products----"5d'  related products----"6d related products-------

    About Our Products is created by web designer, author, and sacred geometry artist Narada Dan Vantari. The 3D designs and all the other artworks here represent many years of study and creative output.

    We use 3 different POD (Print On Demand) companies, one for the 3D Geometries and Jewellery, one for the Clothing, and one for the Posters. The quality they provide is quite incredible and would not have been possible at almost any price a decade ago! Being POD means that these products are manufactured especially for your order.

    Our 3D Printed Jewellery and Models

    3D printing is a disruptive technology that is changing societies approach to manufacturing almost everything. Along with artificial intelligence and nano-engineering it will change human society as much if not more in the next decades as the computer and internet have done in the last decades!

    Our 3D prints are created as 3D computer files and uploaded to the company in New York where state of the art machines (costing around half a million $) are used to print them layer by layer of tiny dots. (Just like a 2D printer going over and over building up a form out of a stack of sheets of paper). Depending on the material the print is then put through other processes, or even used to create a mold that is then filled with the molten metal. 

    Our Sacred Geometry Clothing Designs
    (also printed on other products)

    Only in late 2018 did we discover a company that makes it possible to print full color designs on sheets of high quality fabric, laser cut the pieces, and sew them into comfortable and fashionable styles. Because the designs are printed before the item is sewn there are minimal white 'wrinkles' or flaws as seen in some other print on demand companies items.  

    The prints we have ordered for ourselves have instantly become our favourite items of clothing. The colors are intense, colourfast, and remarkably true to what we see on our monitor, and even the first wash has absolutely minimal discoloration of the water! 


    We offer a range of fabrics. To learn more about them go to our Fabrics page here.

    Our Sacred Geometry Inspired Posters

    We are only selling posters where the quality for reproducing our artwork is superb. The saturation of the colors on the matte paper is far richer and softer than what you would get on glossy photo paper.  

    Soon we hope to add canvas and silk printing to our offerings :-)

    Our Other Sacred Geometry Items

    We could not resist sourcing some other educational and entertaining items such as magnet kits and geometry stands. These are sourced from a variety of suppliers, and we ask your patience as we discover which suppliers are reliable enough to work with. Mostly we offer these products as a service to our customers to inspire you to learn more, and appreciate more, the subtle but profound effect that the pure geometries have on our consciousness and in our lives. The ancient Greeks believed that geometry existed before the creation of the Universe and that they provide a connection back to the Eternal. They were certainly 'on to something' !  :-)




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