THE DISCOVERY OF THE TOROIDAL PROJECTION OF THE HYPERCUBE :: Approximately 45 years ago I stumbled upon a way to make the 3D projection of the 4th dimensional hypercube more symmetrical as well as keeping all the lines the same length. I called it the Toroidal Time Traveller because its form is toroidal (dohnut /magnetic field) shape, and because Time is one of the easiest ways to conceptualize the 4th dimension.


     WHAT IS HIGHER DIMENSIONAL SPACE? :: I am working on a video explanation of the higher dimensional forms. Until then, this video of Carl Sagan's explanation, based on one of the best selling books of 1884 'Flatland', explains some of the basics. For in depth information about higher dimensional geometry Wikipedia is a good place to start, and there are countless books explaining the concept in detail. My own book 'Understanding Sacred geometry and the Flower of Life - a Higher Dimensional Perspective on an Ancient Wisdom Stream' has some good info about higher dimensional geometry too. However, higher dimensional space is not a concept that can be digested in one sitting. It requires time, and approaching it from multiple directions, in order to begin to get a proper impression of what it actually is.


    THE BEAUTY & POWER OF THESE FORMS :: These forms below can be a major tool for learning about higher dimensions. It is intuitively obvious that their logic is not entirely three dimensional. The mind recognises that there is a reality of which these are but lower dimensional 'shadows' or 'projections'.  For this among other reasons they can be considered psycho-active in that they can have a subtle but profound effect on the eyes and minds that contemplate them. They provide a nexus of higher dimensional order and symmetry within three dimensional space. 

    For more about these forms and the understanding of higher spacial dimensions we recommend our pages about these subjects at

    3D PRINTING CARE INSTRUCTIONS :: These Gold Plated 3D printed geometries are three dimensional projections (shadows) of higher dimensional forms. Just as the 3D Cube has 3 equal length lines meeting at each vertex, so the 4D Cube has 4, the 5D has 5, and the 6D has 6 lines meeting at each vertex. If you were to somehow make all the angles into 90 degree angles you would have projected them back up into their full form, but of course they could not be contained in our three dimensional space. We make no guarantee that this will not happen spontaneously, nor do we offer a higher dimensional retrieval service, so please handle them with care. As with all gold plated jewelry, please avoid as much as possible exposing them to liquids, especially salt water or sweat. If they are exposed then we recommend drying them as soon as convenient to prolong their higher dimensional shine. 

    PLEASE NOTE: Our collection below is growing larger as we have now found a new manufacturer and are listing our stock for sale. This means that you will not have to wait for the manufacturing (normally a few weeks) as the items will be shipped from Byron Bay Australia within 2 business days.

    For more information about each of the forms below
    click the image or the name to go to its own dedicated page

    Toroidal Time Traveller 4D Hypercube


    5 Dimenesional Hypercube - Possibility Star of Life


    6D Hypercube in its Toroidal form - 50x1mm - 64 vertices


    Spirit Sundial - 6D Cube Outer Shell


    64 Tetrahedron Grid in full colour - Teaching model
