This image was created as an illustration for the book 'Understanding Sacred Geometry and the Flower of Life' which you can purchase or read online at A statement in any room. These matte, museum-quality posters are printed on durable, archival paper.
The full color version of the 64 tetrahedron grid makes it easy to see the main geometries that form a pattern within it. There is an outer large red tetrahedron pointing up, and a blue pointing down. There is a large purple (pink?) cuboctahedron between them. At the centre 6 white lines meet to show the symettry axes. Surrounding the center there is a yellow octahedron containing a smaller green cuboctahedron. The rest of the form is made of black octahedrons. Together these reveal the core hexagonal/triangular/cubic symmetries of 3D space in the same way the flower of life reveals...
Unique 5 Dimensional Cube This is a never before seen projection of the five dimensional cube into 3 dimensions. Five lines meet at each of its 32 vertexes, and every one of its 80 lines is the same length. We call it the Possibility Star because if the fourth dimension can in some ways be considered to be Time, the the fifth dimension can in some ways be considered to be all the alternate possible universes. Five sided symmetry, which does not fit into the matrix of three dimensions, finds its natural home in five dimensional space. This is even harder...