5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-14k Gold Plated Brass-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-Natural Bronze-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-Polished Bronze-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-Natural Brass-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-Polished Brass-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-Rhodium Plated Brass-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-14k Gold Plated Brass-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-14k Rose Gold Plated Brass-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-18k Gold Plated Brass-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-Natural Silver-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-Polished Silver-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm-Mathematical Art-Sacred Geometry Web 3d printed jewellery
5 Dimenesional Hypercube - Possibility Star of Life

    5 Dimenesional Hypercube - Possibility Star of Life

    Size: 35mm
    Material: Gold vermeil

    Unique 5 Dimensional Cube

    This is a never before seen projection of the five dimensional cube into 3 dimensions. Five lines meet at each of its 32 vertexes, and every one of its 80 lines is the same length. 

    We call it the Possibility Star because if the fourth dimension can in some ways be considered to be Time, the the fifth dimension can in some ways be considered to be all the alternate possible universes. Five sided symmetry, which does not fit into the matrix of three dimensions, finds its natural home in five dimensional space. This is even harder to imagine than most higher dimensional concepts because it is so unintuitive to our experience of five sided symmetry. However, when we do encounter five-sided symmetry in our three-spacial-dimensional-universe it is usually in relationship to living things. For instance, the DNA has a 5 sided twist to its double helix that can be seen when looking down the spiral. 

    For an introduction to the geometric concept of the 5D cube you can read its Wikipedia page here 

    Click PLAY below, and then go full screen using the bottom right icon.

    Use the left and right mouse button to move the geometry.
    If you have a track pad then you can zoom by using two fingers. 

    Toroidal Projections of Higher Dimensional Forms
    My most important geometric discovery is the way that many higher dimensional forms can be enfolded into 3D so that they become toroidal (donut shaped) forms.
    The 4D hypercube was the first and simplest discovery. It was many years before I realised that the 5D and 6D cubes had similar possibilities.

    What is a 5 dimensional cube? Glad you asked :-)
    Well there are many ways to try and understand what the geometers of the 19 century figured out about higher dimensional geometry. One of the easiest (though not necessarily the most accurate) way, is by analogy to the dimensions that we are familiar with. In the third dimension we are familiar with the Cube, and we can see that it has similarities with the two dimensional Square. By moving a square at right angles to its plane we can create a cube. Likewise (theoretically) by moving a cube at right angles to the 3d space it occupies we can create a 4D hypercube, and by moving a 4D hypercube at right angles to the 4D space it occupies we can create a 5D hypercube.

    The 5D Cube transcends the lower dimensional split between spirit and matter ~
    In 2D space the equilateral triangle, the square, and the hexagon, can all tile space, but the pentagon does not fit into a two dimensional grid like these other forms do.  This peculiarity of the five sided forms continues in 3D where the Tetrahedron, Cube, and Octahedron all fit into each other nicely, but the 5 symmetry dodecahedron and icosahedron form a separate pair, and again they cannot be made to tile space. 

    Interestingly then, the main places where we find 5 sided symmetry in the universe is in living things, such as flowers, and the DNA molecule! To my way of thinking this is because the crystalline grid of spacetime is formed of 3, 4, and 6 symmetry interlocking patterns, and life can only fit into this grid by constantly adjusting itself, using its movement through time (and possible timelines) to enable higher dimensional integration. Life is only possible because of change and choice, otherwise all would be mechanically predestined.

    In 4D space the equivalent 5 symmetry forms to the dodecahedron and icosahedron, are the exceedingly complex '120 cell' and '600 cell'.

    120 cell 5 symmetry 4D600 cell 5 symmetry 4D
    Above: The 4D 120 cell and 600 cell. 

    Beyond the 4th dimension, a remarkable thing happens, and there are no higher dimensional equivalents of the dodeca and icosa.
    However, once we reach the fifth dimension, the 5D cube itself unites the symmetries that were incompatible in lower dimensions. Just as 3 squares meet at right angles at the corner of a 3D cube, so 5 four dimensional cubes meet at right angles at the corner of a 5D cube! 

    Symbolically then, the 5D Cube could be said to be the Possibility Star that guides the way to a higher level of integration transcending the problematic duality of spirit and matter.

    If you really want to understand higher dimensional forms it is essential to get many different insights into what they are. I highly recommend a little book published in 1913 called 'A Primer of Higher Space' by Claude Bragdon.   You can read a pdf version here  https://archive.org/download/aprimerhighersp00braggoog/aprimerhighersp00braggoog.pdf
    The video below may also help with the basics of higher dimensions being explained by Carl Sagan.

    Here is Carl Sagan introducing the basic concept of higher dimensional geometry.

    I take no responsibility for the fact that soon after making this model a crop circle appeared with the 2D form.

    5D Cube crop circle


    The Five Dimensional Cube ~

    I love the way this 3D version 'folds up' so that all the lines remain identical lengths. It is based on my Toroidal Hypercube model that keeps all 8 cubes equally distorted despite the projection down into 3D. Here instead of 8 cubes we have 10 hypercubes equally distorted. 

    In five-dimensional geometry, a 5-cube is a name for a five-dimensional hypercube with 32 vertices, 80 edges, 80 square faces, 40 cubic cells, and 10 tesseracts

    It can be called a penteract, a portmanteau of tesseract (the 4-cube) and pente for five (dimensions). It can also be called a regular deca-5-tope or decateron, being a 5-dimensional polytope constructed from 10 regular facets

    Related higher dimensional forms available in our shop~

    "4d'  related products----"5d'  related products----"6d related products------4D Archimedean Hyperform Toroidal Projection------4D Archimedean Hyperform Toroidal Projection----Metatron's Compass 35mm - 4D Vector Equilibrium----4D Vector Equilibrium Metatron's Compass 32mm---- 4D Vector Equilibrium Metatron's Compass 50mm------Toroidal Hypercube 50mm Time Traveller chunky----Toroidal Hypercube 35mm Time Traveller---Toroidal Time Traveller Hypercube 35mm thin----Toroidal Hypercube 35mm 1mm Time Traveller------5D Hypercube Pendant - 3 Sizes 37mm / 42mm / 50mm----5 dimensional Toridal HyperCube 50mm----5 Dimensional Toroidal HyperCube 42mm----6D Cube in its Toroidally folded form - 100mm Teaching Model----FAVS 6D Cube in its Toroidal form - 50mm - 64 vertices - no ring----6D Cube in its Toroidal form - 50x1mm - 61 vertices version - no ring----Spirit Sundial - 6D Cube in its Toroidal form - 50mm - 64 vertices---- 6D Hypercube in its Toroidal form - 50x1mm - 64 vertices----Spirit Sundial - 6D Cube in its Toroidal form - 50mm or 40mm - Single Centre

    About Our Products

    SacredGeometrical.com is created by web designer, author, and sacred geometry artist Narada Dan Vantari. The 3D designs and all the other artworks here represent many years of study and creative output.

    We use 3 different POD (Print On Demand) companies, one for the 3D Geometries and Jewellery, one for the Clothing, and one for the Posters. The quality they provide is quite incredible and would not have been possible at almost any price a decade ago! Being POD means that these products are manufactured especially for your order.

    Our 3D Printed Jewellery and Models

    3D printing is a disruptive technology that is changing societies approach to manufacturing almost everything. Along with artificial intelligence and nano-engineering it will change human society as much if not more in the next decades as the computer and internet have done in the last decades!

    Our 3D prints are created as 3D computer files and uploaded to the company in New York where state of the art machines (costing around half a million $) are used to print them layer by layer of tiny dots. (Just like a 2D printer going over and over building up a form out of a stack of sheets of paper). Depending on the material the print is then put through other processes, or even used to create a mold that is then filled with the molten metal. 

    Our Sacred Geometry Clothing Designs
    (also printed on other products)

    Only in late 2018 did we discover a company that makes it possible to print full color designs on sheets of high quality fabric, laser cut the pieces, and sew them into comfortable and fashionable styles. Because the designs are printed before the item is sewn there are minimal white 'wrinkles' or flaws as seen in some other print on demand companies items.  

    The prints we have ordered for ourselves have instantly become our favourite items of clothing. The colors are intense, colourfast, and remarkably true to what we see on our monitor, and even the first wash has absolutely minimal discoloration of the water! 


    We offer a range of fabrics. To learn more about them go to our Fabrics page here.

    Our Sacred Geometry Inspired Posters

    We are only selling posters where the quality for reproducing our artwork is superb. The saturation of the colors on the matte paper is far richer and softer than what you would get on glossy photo paper.  

    Soon we hope to add canvas and silk printing to our offerings :-)

    Our Other Sacred Geometry Items

    We could not resist sourcing some other educational and entertaining items such as magnet kits and geometry stands. These are sourced from a variety of suppliers, and we ask your patience as we discover which suppliers are reliable enough to work with. Mostly we offer these products as a service to our customers to inspire you to learn more, and appreciate more, the subtle but profound effect that the pure geometries have on our consciousness and in our lives. The ancient Greeks believed that geometry existed before the creation of the Universe and that they provide a connection back to the Eternal. They were certainly 'on to something' !  :-)




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