The full color version of the 64 tetrahedron grid makes it easy to see the main geometries that form a pattern within it. There is an outer large red tetrahedron pointing up, and a blue pointing down. There is a large purple (pink?) cuboctahedron between them. At the centre 6 white lines meet to show the symettry axes. Surrounding the center there is a yellow octahedron containing a smaller green cuboctahedron. The rest of the form is made of black octahedrons. Together these reveal the core hexagonal/triangular/cubic symmetries of 3D space in the same way the flower of life reveals...
All these items unless noted otherwise are available in stock. This means you wont have to wait weeks for manufacture! Previously we relied on the worlds biggest 3D printing company Shapeways to print our models and ship them to you, but they have unexpectedly gone bankrupt. Now we are transitioning to keeping a small range of our most popular and unique items in stock so that we can supply them to you much faster :-) VARIANTS: The Toroidal Time Traveller Hypercube is offered in a variety of sizes and materials, with and without the hanging ring to make it into...
This is a section of the six dimensional toroidal hypercube. It is shows the simple and beautiful 12 sided symmetry and toroidal/hexagonal structure. You can see the full 6D cube with all its inner complexity here VIEW IN 3D ~Click PLAY below, and then go full screen. Use the left and right mouse button to move the geometry. If you have no mouse then you can zoom by using two fingers. Other pendants available in our shop~ Other Pendants----13 Vector Equilibrium Spheres Fractal - 19mm ----2D Hypercube 29mm----35mm Crystal Flower of Life Pendant - Green Aventurine----3D Seed of Life 30mm----3D Seed of...