These are the forms that have been most often associated with sacred geometry.

(17 Items)

64 Tetrahedron Grid 65mm


Metatrons Cube Layered 50mm


64 Tetrahedron Grid in full colour - 10cm


64 Tetrahedron Grid in coloured 'Sandstone' 19cm


Vector Equilibrium Circle of 5 cuboctahedrons - 40mm


5 Platonic Solids - 35mm


Sphere Inside Sphere 100mm


Star Cage Circles 45mm


Cuboctahedral 3D Seed of Life


Platonics Solids - Primary Forms


Star Cage Cubes 100mm Sacred Geometry


3 Merkabah StarTetrahedron Nest - in Sandstone


Nested Platonics Yellow 100mm


Metatrons Cube & Flower of Life 125mm


Toroidal Time Traveller Hypercube 100mm


Toroidal Hypercube 50mm Time Traveller chunky
